Saturday, May 8, 2010

If you make pictures you are bound to be an abstract painter on some level. -George Green

This week, I started my latest class. This semesters class is about abstract painting. We started looking at the earliest abstract artists, so naturally, we looked at Cubism. Now, previously, about 30 years ago, I had a class that very briefly touched on the same subject, and we did 2 "cubist" paintings.  So, these first 2 paintings are from wayyy back then.

This first one works I think. It has a good feel to it. The next I don't think is as successful, and has less abstraction (at least to me).

Finally, we get to the one I did last Thursday in class. For this we were asked to keep it monochromatic, and I like this one quite a lot. The more I look at it, the more pleasing it is to my eye. I find myself exploring the textures and spaces, and my eye wanders over  and around it as if I'll discover something new, even though I painted it.

This sounds  like it's going to be a lot of fun, and I have some interesting ideas brewing, things to paint over the coming weeks. I may not be posting all that much as I also have a lot of traveling we'll be doing for business, but I'll keep up as much as possible, and hopefully you'll enjoy the posts. :)